Think Like a Winner

As an individual investor, what’s the key to success? It’s a question Adam Grossman hears a lot, especially in volatile times like this. The answer, he thinks, is that there isn’t just one key, but rather five. The most successful investors seem to be equal parts optimist, pessimist, analyst, economist and psychologist. Together, he calls these the five minds of the investor. If you can develop and balance all five, that—Grossman believes—is the key to investment success.

Optimist. When Grossman thinks of financial optimists, he immediately thinks of Warren Buffett. Now, you might imagine that it’s easy to be an optimist when you’re a billionaire. But he thinks it’s because Buffett is an optimist that he’s a billionaire. His secret – which really isn’t such a secret—is to bet on the longterm growth of the stock market. When the economy is in a recession, as it is today, with millions out of work, it’s easy to feel dispirited. It is scary, and I don’t want to diminish everything that’s going on. But as Buffett wrote in that 2008 article, “Fears regarding the long-term prosperity of the nation’s many sound companies make no sense. These businesses will indeed suffer earnings hiccups, as they always have. But most major companies will be setting new profit records 5, 10 and 20 years from now.” Of course, you can’t have 100% of your money in stocks. That brings us to the role of the pessimist.

Pessimist. Many people view themselves as either a glass-half-full or glass-half-empty kind of person. But for investment success, he thinks you want to be a little of each. You’ll notice that Buffett referred to the stock market’s long-term potential. That’s an important qualification. As we’ve seen this year, things can – and do – happen that interrupt the market’s growth. That’s why it’s important to pay as much attention to your inner pessimist as to the optimist. What’s the best way to accomplish that? It isn’t complicated: You just want to keep enough of your assets outside of stocks to help you weather these interruptions. That will give you both the financial ability and the mental fortitude to get through tough times.

Analyst. If the optimist believes that stocks will grow over time, and the pessimist knows that they can’t grow all the time, how do you balance the two? That’s where the analyst comes in. The role of the analyst is that of a mediator – to consider the needs of both the optimist and the pessimist. Your inner analyst should be dispassionate, focusing on the facts of your individual situation. This includes your income, expenses, assets, liabilities and goals. In short, the analyst’s job is to strike the right balance between optimism and pessimism to develop an investment strategy that’s the best fit for you.

Economist. Economics isn’t exactly a scientific field and anyone’s ability to forecast the future is necessarily limited. But successful investing does incorporate certain economic concepts. At a high level, these include fiscal policy (the government’s ability to set tax rates and spending levels) and monetary policy (the Central Bank’s ability to set interest rates). And finally, it includes a sense of economic history and financial cycles. None of this means you’ll be able to predict where the economy is going. None of us can. But it does mean you’ll be better equipped to respond to events as they occur.

Psychologist. Colourful commentary and dramatic predictions are all around us. That’s why the fifth, and maybe most important, ingredient for investment success is to channel your inner psychologist. Among other things, this will help you to understand the motivations – both conscious and unconscious – of others, and to see the subtext of what they’re saying and not saying. This will help you to tune them out, as needed, so you can stick to your plan.

Is investing easy? No, he doesn’t think anyone would (truthfully) claim that. But if you successfully balance these five ideas in your mind, Grossman believes you’ll tilt the odds in your favour.

Invest in yourself

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